For those of you unable to attend or listen, attached is the 12/1/2009 video webinar hosted by NAMB addressing three main areas of regulation and updates that mortgage brokers must be aware of and be prepared for 2010.
The purpose of this particular NAMB / HUD webinar is to give mortgage brokers a high level overview of the general changes that they need to be aware of.
Expert Panel:
- Vicki Bott – HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary of Single Family Housing
- Roy DeLoach – NAMB CEO
- Tony Gallegos - Mortgage U – Director of Advisory Services and Consulting
- Alice Alvey – Mortgage U – President
There were a few technical difficulties due to the amount of participants (over 3000) that overloaded the lines, so there were a few spots in which we had a few delays and the sound quality was not crystal clear, but it did remain audible and readily understandable.
While an hour is obviously not nearly enough time to address anything in great detail, the objective was to stimulate conversation and questions NAMB officials can use to fully represent the mortgage broker channel with HUD and elected officials in Washington DC.
Your questions and concerns are very important to NAMB, so please feel free sharing your thoughts in the comment section at the bottom of the following hyperlink page:
In addition, NAMB will be holding additional webinars over the next two months that drill down these topics and your questions in greater detail.
Below is a video bullet outline that provides you a minute marker guide that references specific topics within the video time table.
Hint: Go directly to 9:42 minute mark to skip introductions.
Video Minute Markers:
00:00 – Introductions
09:42 – RESPA / GFE Updates
11:35 – Effective Dates
12:33 – GFE Triggers
14:38 – GFE Notice Requirements
18:02 – GFE Block 1
22:21 – GFE Block 1 Questions
23:14 – GFE Line Block 2
25:01 – Float to Lock Scenario
36:32 – GFE Page 2
40:03 – Which Charges Can Increase?
44:15 – RESPA/GFE Q&A
47:30 – Message From Credit Technologies
52:16 – FHA Appraisal Policy
59:55 - FHA Broker Approval / Mini-Eagle
Not to be forgotten, both Mark Green at Top of Mind and Mark Madsen are the unsung hero's in making organizing and committing tremendous resources in bringing these educational webinars to the originator community.